How it Began

Saturday, March 24, 2007 Saturday, March 24, 2007

I stumbled into Second Life in November, 2006 and spent months just looking around and learning what goes on. Along the way I learned how to build particle effects, mainly because the gang at the Infohub needed a way to make the impromptu dance parties a lot more fun.

After building several effects, my friend Paybak Epin suggested I sell them! "But I have no land to sell from," I replied. "No problem, use SLExchange", she said. And that's when I started selling for real. It was within an hour of my first listing on SLX that I received a sale, and I haven't looked back since.

Gradually I added new products to SLX, and also SLB and eventually I gathered up enough money to buy a tiny 512sm parcel in Lanestris where I built my first store.

I had no idea how to build a store, though. So I spent weeks going through the Ivory Tower Prim tutorial, learning how to do basic building skills. Finally I was confident enough to attempt building a simple store. Once erected, I aimlessly hung my mis-shapen product boxes on the misaligned walls and hoped for the best.

Nothing happened.

It was then I realized that in Second Life, you not only have to build products, but you must also promote them. That's when the real adventure began.


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