Above you'll see my new business cards, specially printed up for me by MOO cards. They exist in real life, but are for my virtual identity. Why, you ask, would one need real life business cards for an avatar? Because I intend on using them at the upcoming Second Life Community Convention, taking place this year in Boston from August 13-15th.
I've attended two previous conventions, 2008 in Tampa and 2009 in San Francisco. Both were tremendously awesome experiences, and I expect similar from this year's in Boston. Some might find the idea of meeting other avatars strange or even a bit creepy, but it is nothing like that at all. It's perhaps one of the deepest experiences an avatar can have.
SLCC is how you can become your avatar for a weekend.
That's right - everyone refers to each other by their avatar name, and real names are pretty much never heard. People act like their avatar, and sometimes they even dress like their avatar, even if it involves a tail or wings. People sit and chat, listen to music, have adventures - all just like you would in Second Life. But this time it's avatars doing such things in Real Life. The fidelity of the experience is far better, but the teleportation sucks.
If you're still doubting the value of attending, please read my account of Tampa in 2008 and San Francisco in 2009. Both events meant a great deal to me.
Back to the business cards. When I return home I usually have a small collection of fascinating business cards from avatars I knew from before or those I just met at the convention. I keep the cards in a small pile beside my computer, a tiny physical reminder that those pixelated avatars on my screen are in fact very real people.
I hope to see you there.
I can't believe that a whole year has gone by since me met at SLCC San Fran last year!! :O I wish iI had gotten one of your business cards!
If anyone is on the fence about going then just DO IT!!! It's one of the most fabulous experiences you will ever have in either life!! WOOT!!
I'm just sorry that I won't be able to attend this year, but I will have just moved to Europe by then.
So please enjoy it for me as well!!! MUWAH!!
Still think you ought to have your RL pic on your card..its way more distinguished and handsome :) ladies still your beating hearts Arminex in RL ;0 Pitty I won't be there....sigh
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